bristol commune forum on ‘localisation’

The next Bristol reading group session will be on Sunday 22nd August at 6pm in The Factory, Cave Street off Portland Square, Saint Pauls, Bristol. (Note the change of venue).

The session will discuss whether localisation is a viable strategy to enable a form of capitalism which doesn’t threaten the ecology of the planet. Suggested background reading below. All welcome: email for more info.

Colin Hines article on localisation as an alternative to globalisation

A critique of localism by Gregory Albo

Joel Kovel – Extract from The Enemy of Nature: The End of Capitalism or the End of the World?

2 thoughts on “bristol commune forum on ‘localisation’

  1. I think there is something to be said for ‘localisation’ but not as an alternative to capitalism, Nicholas Hildyard debated with Colin Hines once with the put down that localisation ‘substitutes geography for politics’ which sums it up.

    Green Left and Socialist Resistance people are quite active in Bristol and Hugo Blanco the ecosocialist and indigenous leader in Peru should be in Bristol for a public meeting in September, I will try and keep you posted. Also don’t forget Jerry Hicks, a grassroots militant and an ecosocialist, currently running for Unite General Secretary and local to you in Bristol.

    Joel Kovel’s work is of course essential, hope your discussion goes well.


  2. Derek, thanks for the comments on the texts. I am aware of the plans for the Hugo Blanco meeting which should be very interesting. Also, we plan to have the September reading group session on ecosocialism as a follow on from the ‘green capitalism’ topic and to coincide with the Blanco meeting.

    Re Kovel – yes, I thought this was one of the clearest and well-thought out explanations of the relationship between capital and the environment which I have read. If you have any other suggestions they would be most welcome.



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